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Understanding Android App Resources

Resource files are a way of separating static values from code so that you don't have to change the code itself to change the values.

Resource files are located in the Resources folder. These folders include :

  • drawable: For images and icons
  • layout: For layout resource files
  • menu: For menu items
  • mipmap: For pre-calculated, optimized collections of app icons used by the Launcher
  • values: For colors, dimensions, strings, and styles (theme attributes)

Referencing resources

The syntax to reference a resource in an XML layout is as follows:


  • package_name is the name of the package in which the resource is located.
  • resource_type is the Resources subclass for the resource type.
  • resource_name is either the resource filename without the extension, or the android:name attribute value in the XML element.

Package name not require

The package name is not required when you reference resources that are stored in the Resources folder of your project, because these resources are from the same package.

For example, the following XML layout statement sets the android:text attribute to a string resource:

  • android:text="@string/button_label_toast". No package_name is included, because the resource is stored in the strings.xml file in the project.
  • The resource_type is string.
  • The resource_name is button_label_toast.

Referencing resources defined in another namespace

In the following example, the XML layout statement sets the android:textColor attribute to a color resource. However, the resource is not defined in the project but supplied by Android, so you need to specify the package_name, which is android, followed by a colon:


Value resource files

The values resources files are used to keep and easily manage commonly used values e.g colors, dimensions and strings. Its also used to manage resources translated to multiple languages.


String resources are located in the strings.xml file in Resources -> values -> strings.xml.

    <string name="app_name">Hello Toast</string>

The name (for example, app_name) is the resource name you use in your XML code, as in the following attribute:



Color resources are located in the colors.xml file Resources -> values -> colors.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <color name="colorPrimary">#2c3e50</color>
    <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#1B3147</color>
    <color name="colorAccent">#3498db</color>

The name (for example, colorPrimary) is the resource name you use in your XML code:


The color value of this name is the hexadecimal color value (#3F51B5) enclosed within the tags. The hexadecimal value specifies red, green, and blue (RGB) values.

The value always begins with a pound (#) character, followed by the Alpha-Red-Green-Blue information. For example, the hexadecimal value for black is #000000, while the hexadecimal value for a variant of sky blue is #559fe3. Base color values are listed in the Colors class documentation.

Material Design colors

The Material Design spec defines three primary colors, the primary dark, primary color and accent color. You can customize these colors to create a uniform UI. You can use Material Pallette website to generate the colors


Dimensions are stored in the Resources -> values -> dimens.xml. The dimens.xml file can be a folder holding more than one dimens.xml file - one for each device resolution.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <dimen name="fab_margin">16dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="default_padding">16dp</dimen>

The fab_margin is used as follows in the layout file :


Other resource files

They are other resources files defined in the Resources folder:

  • Images and icons - The drawable folder provides icon and image resources. They are usually various drawable folders for different device densities.
  • Optimized icons - The mipmap folder typically contains pre-calculated, optimized collections of app icons used by the Launcher.
  • Menus - You can use an XML resource file to define menu items and store them in your project in the menu folder.