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Loops and Iterators

Loop Method

The loop constructs loops through a block of code until the condition is false. If you don't put an end condition the loop will run infinitely.

i = 0
loop do
    i += 1
    puts "Hello World"
    break if i == 2
Hello World
Hello World
=> nil

We can continue with the loop by using the next keyword as follows :

i = 0
loop do
  i += 1
  next if i == 2
  puts i
  break if i == 5

While Loop

The syntax for the while is :

while (boolean condition)
#code statement

The while will run as long as the condition is true.

i = 0
while i < 5
  i += 1
  puts i

Until Loop

until is the negated form of the while statement :

i = 0
until i >= 5
  i += 1
  puts i

The same statement with while :

i = 0
while i < 5
  i += 1
  puts i

While and Until- Alternative Syntax

The while statement have alternative syntax. We can put the statement at the beginning of the while statement as follows :

i = 0
puts "#{ i += 1 }" while i < 5

until alternative syntax

The until also have an alternative syntax as follows :

i = 0
puts "#{ i += 1 }" until i == 5

Do..While Alternative Syntax

i = 0
  puts i
  i += 1
end while i < 5

For Loop

You can use the traditional for loop as in other languages as follows :

for i in 1..5
  puts i

Alternative for statement

An alternative for the for statement is to use the times methods :

5.times {|i| puts i}


We can use a step function to choose th upper boundary in what steps we would like to loop as follows :

1.step(10,2) { |i| puts i}

case statement

You use the case statement instead of using multiple if/elsif/else statements :

lang = "fr"

dog = case lang
  when "en"
  when "es"
  when "fr"
  when "de"
  else "dog"

And when using symbols :

lang = :de

doggy = case lang
  when :en then "dog"
  when :es then "perro"
  when :fr then "chien"
  when :de then "Hund"
puts doggy

We can also use ranges with the case statement :

scale = 8

out = case scale
  when 0 then "lowest"
  when 1..3; "medium-low"
  when 4..5; "medium"
  when 6..7; "medium-high"
  when 8..9; "high"
  when 10; "highest"
  else "off scale"
puts "Scale: " + outs

The ; and then are used when we put the statement on the same line. We could have written the same as follows :

scale = 8

out = case scale
  when 0
  when 1..3
  when 4..5
  when 6..7
  when 8..9
  when 10
    "off scale"
puts "Scale: " + out

We could also use complicated logical operations in the when clause.